black art

美 [blæk ɑːrt]英 [blæk ɑːt]
  • 妖术;巫术,魔法
black artblack art


the belief in magical spells that harness occult forces or evil spirits to produce unnatural effects in the world
Synonym: sorcery black magic necromancy


  1. The black art is still practised among the primitive tribes in Africa .


  2. They want it to continue being a black art .


  3. Oh , second step , how black art thou !


  4. However , recharging NiCad batteries is a black art .


  5. Estimation is still somewhat of a black art in software precisely because it 's difficult to understand , and therefore analyze , this complex spider web of coupling and interaction .


  6. " Considering the current sad state of our computer programs , software development is clearly still a black art , and cannot yet be called an engineering discipline . "( Bill Clinton )


  7. Moreover the simultaneous publication of three new books for Dojo this month , has the potential to make AJAX programming less of a black art and bring it closer to the enterprise .


  8. Like alchemy , finding the right mix of hardware and software ingredients to optimize your specific application is a black art & and one practiced most effectively in your own lair .


  9. Because of this , Necromancy was considered a " black " art .


  10. Thus , caused him to make the outstanding contribution to the black and white picture art language pure exploration .


  11. All these implied that china contemporary art , as a nearly money – chasing black horse in international art market for almost20years has begun to lose and out of the favors .


  12. It is black and white woodcut art of its own unique character and spirit of artistic tension , making it the context of contemporary society full of new vitality and vigor , showing a distinct contemporary .


  13. Finally , considering the problem about the origin of art in the art history , the thesis derives a true meaning of art from the differentiation to the style of classical art and the black idea of modern art .


  14. Use " Black Line Drawing " for originals containing black and white line art .


  15. Black and white is the color of the extreme , black and white art , black and white and fair , even in black and white and reasonable .
